Official Opening of the Rose Walk

Published: 11/09/2023

On one of the hottest and most humid days of the year, the replanted Rose Walk was opened by Sir Richard Christopher Brooke, the 12th Baronet of Norton, on the afternoon of Sunday 10th September 2023.

Our Head Gardener, John Budworth, designed and created the Rose Walk in 2020 - 2021, introducing new planting to ensure a longer flowering period, whilst still remaining true to the colour palette. It follows Gertrude Jekyll's planting plans for borders of hot colours and cool colours: at Norton, the Rose Walk moves from whites to yelllows, pinks and oranges to red as you walk further from the Tree of Life gate, which was the Brooke family's official entrance to the garden.  The Rose Walk features hybrid teas and floribunda, replacing the previous heritage shrub varieties, which flowered for just a few weeks.

There are six of each variety of rose, mirrored with three either side, a total of 60 varieties when first planted in March 2021.  John's revised design also saw the addition of a lavender border and seating areas along the length of the Rose Walk.

We were joined on the occasion by the Worshipful the Mayor of Halton Councillor Val Hill and the Consort, Cllr. Stan Hill, Norton Priory's Patron, Mike Amesbury MP and Cllr. Mike Wharton,the Leader of Halton Borough Council and his wife, Mrs Karen Wharton.  As well as the supporters of the Rose Walk, we were also joined by some of the museum's supporters and partners with whom we work.

Thank you to all our supporters who sponsored the Rose Walk replanting.  The entire cost of the project was met by the contributions we received, with the names of all who made it possible recorded for prosperity on a plaque within the Walled Garden, situated to the right of the Tree of Life gate, as viewed from the Rose Walk.

Photograph by John Fazakerley shows Sir Richard Brooke formally cutting the ribbon to open the Rose Walk.